Choose what works best for your family.

Academic Support
This service is designed for families who want their child to flourish along with their peers in the classroom or home school environment. Your child will be provided with personalized instruction designed to meet her/his specific academic needs as well as expectations of the family. These services can range from homework support to strengthening performance in ELA. ESL services will allow students to learn the English language through real world tasks and problem solving. There is also the option for the instructor to maintain contact with the classroom teacher in order to provide consistent academic support to the child. The lessons will be interactive in order to engage the child and encourage a love for learning. Small group instruction is also available.
Advanced Enrichment
This service offers families the opportunity to have their child learn more and advance in academic areas beyond the traditional classroom pace. Stimulating lessons will be designed to engage the child and encourage a love for learning. In addition to routine classroom or home school assignments, families have the option to have supplemental work assigned. This is an ideal option for families who are looking for their child to be challenged to her/his greatest potential. Small group instruction is also available.

Small Group Classes
Students will learn phonemic awareness through songs, games, and stories while connecting their inner warrior to the power of words.